Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Customer Service Policy


To provide direction to staff that enables company representatives to meet the requirements of the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005.


As part of Guelph Manufacturing Group’s commitment to excellence, we seek to recognize and remove obstacles that will facilitate access to Guelph Manufacturing’s programs and services. This policy applies to all Guelph Manufacturing Group employees who represent or provide service to our customers and visitors. This can include, but is not limited to senior company executives, directors, managers, sales, engineering, quality and other company representatives.


Guelph Manufacturing. is committed to customer service that respects and promotes the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. This policy and procedures are intended to remain compliant as per the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/07 under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005, and to meet and/or exceed our customer’s needs and expectations by ensuring the following:

  1. Communication:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group will communicate to people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. Guelph Manufacturing Group will train staff who communicate with people with various types of disabilities.

  2. Telephone Services:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group is committed to providing full accessible telephone service to our customers. We will train staff on clear telephone communications. We will offer to communicate via email if telephone communication is not suitable to the customers communication needs,

  3. Assistive Devises:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group is committed to serving people with disabilities who require the use of an assistive devise when using Guelph Manufacturing Group services. We will ensure that staff who interact with customers are trained and familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by persons with disabilities while accessing our services.

  4. Billing:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group is committed to providing accessible notices or invoices to all our customers. For this reason, notices or invoices will be provided in alternative formats upon request.

  5. Support Persons:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group is committed to welcoming people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person. Guelph Manufacturing Group does require that the support persons must register their attendance by signing in the Visitor’s Log and wear the appropriate Badge.

  6. Use of Service Animals:

    Persons with disabilities are permitted to be accompanied by their service animal, keeping the service animal with them at all times, while accessing Guelph Manufacturing services, unless service animal access is prohibited by Law. In the event the service animal is prohibited, Guelph Manufacturing Group will seek other measures to enable the person with a disability to access Guelph Manufacturing Group service.

    It is the responsibility of the person with the service animal to ensure that the service animal is kept under control.

  7. Notice of Temporary Disruption:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group will make every reasonable effort to provide notice in the event of a disruption of services to persons with disabilities. The notice will include information about the reason for the disruption, the anticipated duration and a description of alternative plans, if available.

  8. Feedback Process:

    The ultimate goal of Guelph Manufacturing Group is to meet or surpass customer service expectations including service to customers with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well we are meeting expectations are welcome and appreciated. Feedback regarding services to persons with disabilities may be submitted via telephone, letter or email to:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group Corporate Office
    Att: Human Resource Manager
    39 Royal Road
    Guelph, ON N1H 1G2
    Tel: (519) 822-5401
    Email: [email protected]

  9. Training:

    Guelph Manufacturing Group will train all employees who deal with the public or other third parties on their behalf and all those who are involved in the development and approvals of costumer services, policies, practices and procedures. Training records will be kept and maintained by the Human resources office. The training will include:

    • The purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard.
    • Guelph Manufacturing Group policy, practices and procedures relating to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Policy.
    • How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
    • How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require assistance of a support person or service animal.
    • What to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty accessing Guelph Manufacturing Group services.

H.R. Manager Corporate:

Is responsible for ensuring Training and Enforcement of this Policy is carried out and documented.
Acknowledging and replying to all feedback within 7 business days. Reviewing this Policy as needed, not less than once every 3 years.


Are responsible for ensuring that all appropriate employees that report to them are trained and follow this Policy.


Ontario Regulation 429/07

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005

